Static Public Summary | ||
public |
delete_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, contactIds: number[], options: object): Promise<object> Bulk delete contacts |
public |
delete_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id(characterId: number, fittingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Delete a fitting from a character |
public |
delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id(characterId: number, labelId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Delete a mail label |
public |
delete_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Delete a mail |
public |
delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id(fleetId: number, memberId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Kick a fleet member |
public |
delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id(fleetId: number, squadId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Delete a fleet squad, only empty squads can be deleted |
public |
delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Delete a fleet wing, only empty wings can be deleted. |
public |
get_alliances(options: object): Promise<object> List all active player alliances |
public |
get_alliances_alliance_id(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Public information about an alliance |
public |
get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return contacts of an alliance |
public |
get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_labels(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return custom labels for an alliance's contacts Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 300 seconds |
public |
get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List all current member corporations of an alliance |
public |
get_alliances_alliance_id_icons(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get the icon urls for a alliance |
public |
get_characters_character_id(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Public information about a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_agents_research(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of agents research information for a character. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_assets(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of the characters assets |
public |
get_characters_character_id_attributes(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return attributes of a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_blueprints(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of blueprints the character owns |
public |
get_characters_character_id_bookmarks(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> A list of your character's personal bookmarks Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> A list of your character's personal bookmark folders Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_calendar(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get 50 event summaries from the calendar. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get all the information for a specific event |
public |
get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get all invited attendees for a given event |
public |
get_characters_character_id_clones(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> A list of the character's clones Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 120 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return contacts of a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return custom labels for a character's contacts Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 300 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_contracts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns contracts available to a character, only if the character is issuer, acceptor or assignee. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids(characterId: number, contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists bids on a particular auction contract |
public |
get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items(characterId: number, contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists items of a particular contract |
public |
get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of all the corporations a character has been a member of |
public |
get_characters_character_id_fatigue(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a character's jump activation and fatigue information Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 300 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_fittings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return fittings of a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_fleet(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the fleet ID the character is in, if any. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_fw_stats(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Statistical overview of a character involved in faction warfare |
public |
get_characters_character_id_implants(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return implants on the active clone of a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List industry jobs placed by a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_location(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Information about the characters current location. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of loyalty points for all corporations the character has worked for |
public |
get_characters_character_id_mail(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the 50 most recent mail headers belonging to the character that match the query criteria. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_mail_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of the users mail labels, unread counts for each label and a total unread count. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_mail_lists(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return all mailing lists that the character is subscribed to |
public |
get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the contents of an EVE mail |
public |
get_characters_character_id_medals(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of medals the character has |
public |
get_characters_character_id_mining(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Paginated record of all mining done by a character for the past 30 days |
public |
get_characters_character_id_notifications(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return character notifications |
public |
get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return notifications about having been added to someone's contact list Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_online(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Checks if the character is currently online |
public |
get_characters_character_id_opportunities(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of tasks finished by a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_orders(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List open market orders placed by a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_orders_history(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List cancelled and expired market orders placed by a character up to 90 days in the past. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_planets(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a list of all planetary colonies owned by a character. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id(characterId: number, planetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns full details on the layout of a single planetary colony, including links, pins and routes. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_portrait(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get portrait urls for a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_roles(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a character's corporation roles Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_search(categories: string[], characterId: number, search: string, options: object): Promise<object> Search for entities that match a given sub-string. |
public |
get_characters_character_id_ship(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get the current ship type, name and id |
public |
get_characters_character_id_skillqueue(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List the configured skill queue for the given character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_skills(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List all trained skills for the given character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_standings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return character standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions |
public |
get_characters_character_id_stats(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns aggregate yearly stats for a character |
public |
get_characters_character_id_titles(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a character's titles Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_wallet(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a character's wallet balance Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 120 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Retrieve the given character's wallet journal going 30 days back Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get wallet transactions of a character |
public |
get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists bids on a public auction contract |
public |
get_contracts_public_items_contract_id(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists items of a public contract |
public |
get_contracts_public_region_id(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a paginated list of all public contracts in the given region |
public |
get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Extraction timers for all moon chunks being extracted by refineries belonging to a corporation. |
public |
get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Paginated list of all entities capable of observing and recording mining for a corporation |
public |
get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id(corporationId: number, observerId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Paginated record of all mining seen by an observer |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Public information about a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of all the alliances a corporation has been a member of |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_assets(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of the corporation assets |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a list of blueprints the corporation owns |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> A list of your corporation's bookmarks Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> A list of your corporation's bookmark folders Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return contacts of a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_labels(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return custom labels for a corporation's contacts Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 300 seconds |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns logs recorded in the past seven days from all audit log secure containers (ALSC) owned by a given corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns contracts available to a corporation, only if the corporation is issuer, acceptor or assignee. |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids(contractId: number, corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists bids on a particular auction contract |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items(contractId: number, corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Lists items of a particular contract |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List customs offices owned by a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return corporation hangar and wallet division names, only show if a division is not using the default name |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a corporation's facilities Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Factory_Manager |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Statistics about a corporation involved in faction warfare |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_icons(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get the icon urls for a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List industry jobs run by a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_medals(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a corporation's medals Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns medals issued by a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_members(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the current member list of a corporation, the token's character need to be a member of the corporation. Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_members_limit(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a corporation's member limit, not including CEO himself Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a corporation's members' titles |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns additional information about a corporation's members which helps tracking their activities Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_orders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List open market orders placed on behalf of a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> List cancelled and expired market orders placed on behalf of a corporation up to 90 days in the past. |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_roles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the roles of all members if the character has the personnel manager role or any grantable role. |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return how roles have changed for a coporation's members, up to a month Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return the current shareholders of a corporation. |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_standings(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return corporation standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns list of corporation starbases (POSes) |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id(corporationId: number, starbaseId: number, systemId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns various settings and fuels of a starbase (POS) |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_structures(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of corporation structures. |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_titles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns a corporation's titles Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get a corporation's wallets Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 300 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal(corporationId: number, division: number, options: object): Promise<object> Retrieve the given corporation's wallet journal for the given division going 30 days back Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant |
public |
get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions(corporationId: number, division: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get wallet transactions of a corporation |
public |
get_corporations_npccorps(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of npc corporations |
public |
get_dogma_attributes(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of dogma attribute ids |
public |
get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id(attributeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a dogma attribute |
public |
get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id(itemId: number, typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns info about a dynamic item resulting from mutation with a mutaplasmid. |
public |
get_dogma_effects(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of dogma effect ids |
public |
get_dogma_effects_effect_id(effectId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a dogma effect |
public |
get_fleets_fleet_id(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return details about a fleet |
public |
get_fleets_fleet_id_members(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return information about fleet members |
public |
get_fleets_fleet_id_wings(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return information about wings in a fleet |
public |
get_fw_leaderboards(options: object): Promise<object> Top 4 leaderboard of factions for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday |
public |
get_fw_leaderboards_characters(options: object): Promise<object> Top 100 leaderboard of pilots for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday |
public |
get_fw_leaderboards_corporations(options: object): Promise<object> Top 10 leaderboard of corporations for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday |
public |
get_fw_stats(options: object): Promise<object> Statistical overviews of factions involved in faction warfare |
public |
get_fw_systems(options: object): Promise<object> An overview of the current ownership of faction warfare solar systems |
public |
get_fw_wars(options: object): Promise<object> Data about which NPC factions are at war |
public |
get_industry_facilities(options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of industry facilities |
public |
get_industry_systems(options: object): Promise<object> Return cost indices for solar systems |
public |
get_insurance_prices(options: object): Promise<object> Return available insurance levels for all ship types |
public |
get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of offers from a specific corporation's loyalty store Alternate route: Alternate route: Alternate route: This route expires daily at 11:05 |
public |
get_markets_groups(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of item groups |
public |
get_markets_groups_market_group_id(marketGroupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on an item group |
public |
get_markets_prices(options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of prices |
public |
get_markets_region_id_history(regionId: number, typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of historical market statistics for the specified type in a region |
public |
get_markets_region_id_orders(orderType: string, regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of orders in a region |
public |
get_markets_region_id_types(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of type IDs that have active orders in the region, for efficient market indexing. |
public |
get_markets_structures_structure_id(structureId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return all orders in a structure |
public |
get_opportunities_groups(options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of opportunities groups |
public |
get_opportunities_groups_group_id(groupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return information of an opportunities group |
public |
get_opportunities_tasks(options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of opportunities tasks |
public |
get_opportunities_tasks_task_id(taskId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return information of an opportunities task |
public |
get_route_origin_destination(destination: number, origin: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get the systems between origin and destination |
public |
get_search(categories: string[], search: string, options: object): Promise<object> Search for entities that match a given sub-string. |
public |
get_status(options: object): Promise<object> EVE Server status |
public |
get_universe_ancestries(options: object): Promise<object> Get all character ancestries |
public |
get_universe_asteroid_belts_asteroid_belt_id(asteroidBeltId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on an asteroid belt |
public |
get_universe_bloodlines(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of bloodlines |
public |
get_universe_categories(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of item categories |
public |
get_universe_categories_category_id(categoryId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information of an item category |
public |
get_universe_constellations(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of constellations |
public |
get_universe_constellations_constellation_id(constellationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a constellation |
public |
get_universe_factions(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of factions |
public |
get_universe_graphics(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of graphics |
public |
get_universe_graphics_graphic_id(graphicId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a graphic |
public |
get_universe_groups(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of item groups |
public |
get_universe_groups_group_id(groupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on an item group |
public |
get_universe_moons_moon_id(moonId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a moon |
public |
get_universe_planets_planet_id(planetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a planet |
public |
get_universe_races(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of character races |
public |
get_universe_regions(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of regions |
public |
get_universe_regions_region_id(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a region |
public |
get_universe_schematics_schematic_id(schematicId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a planetary factory schematic |
public |
get_universe_stargates_stargate_id(stargateId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a stargate |
public |
get_universe_stars_star_id(starId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a star |
public |
get_universe_stations_station_id(stationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a station |
public |
get_universe_structures(options: object): Promise<object> List all public structures |
public |
get_universe_structures_structure_id(structureId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Returns information on requested structure if you are on the ACL. |
public |
get_universe_system_jumps(options: object): Promise<object> Get the number of jumps in solar systems within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. |
public |
get_universe_system_kills(options: object): Promise<object> Get the number of ship, pod and NPC kills per solar system within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. |
public |
get_universe_systems(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of solar systems |
public |
get_universe_systems_system_id(systemId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a solar system. |
public |
get_universe_types(options: object): Promise<object> Get a list of type ids |
public |
get_universe_types_type_id(typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Get information on a type |
public |
get_wars(options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of wars |
public |
get_wars_war_id(warId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return details about a war |
public |
get_wars_war_id_killmails(warId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return a list of kills related to a war |
public |
post_characters_affiliation(options: object): Promise<object> Bulk lookup of character IDs to corporation, alliance and faction |
public |
post_characters_character_id_assets_locations(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. |
public |
post_characters_character_id_assets_names(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. |
public |
post_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, standing: number, options: object): Promise<object> Bulk add contacts with same settings |
public |
post_characters_character_id_cspa(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Takes a source character ID in the url and a set of target character ID's in the body, returns a CSPA charge cost Alternate route: Alternate route: |
public |
post_characters_character_id_fittings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Save a new fitting for a character |
public |
post_characters_character_id_mail(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Create and send a new mail |
public |
post_characters_character_id_mail_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Create a mail label |
public |
post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. |
public |
post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. |
public |
post_fleets_fleet_id_members(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Invite a character into the fleet. |
public |
post_fleets_fleet_id_wings(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Create a new wing in a fleet |
public |
post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Create a new squad in a fleet |
public |
post_ui_autopilot_waypoint(addToBeginning: boolean, clearOtherWaypoints: boolean, destinationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Set a solar system as autopilot waypoint |
public |
post_ui_openwindow_contract(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Open the contract window inside the client |
public |
post_ui_openwindow_information(targetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Open the information window for a character, corporation or alliance inside the client |
public |
post_ui_openwindow_marketdetails(typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Open the market details window for a specific typeID inside the client |
public |
post_ui_openwindow_newmail(options: object): Promise<object> Open the New Mail window, according to settings from the request if applicable |
public |
post_universe_ids(options: object): Promise<object> Resolve a set of names to IDs in the following categories: agents, alliances, characters, constellations, corporations factions, inventory_types, regions, stations, and systems. |
public |
post_universe_names(options: object): Promise<object> Resolve a set of IDs to names and categories. |
public |
put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Set your response status to an event |
public |
put_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, standing: number, options: object): Promise<object> Bulk edit contacts with same settings |
public |
put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Update metadata about a mail |
public |
put_fleets_fleet_id(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Update settings about a fleet |
public |
put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id(fleetId: number, memberId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Move a fleet member around |
public |
put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id(fleetId: number, squadId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Rename a fleet squad |
public |
put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> Rename a fleet wing |
Static Public
public delete_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, contactIds: number[], options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_characters_character_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Bulk delete contacts
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
contactIds | number[] | A list of contacts to delete |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Contacts deleted |
public delete_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id(characterId: number, fittingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_characters_character_id_fittings_fitting_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fittings.js'
Delete a fitting from a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/{fitting_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
fittingId | number | ID for a fitting of this character |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Fitting deleted |
public delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id(characterId: number, labelId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_characters_character_id_mail_labels_label_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Delete a mail label
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/{label_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
labelId | number | An EVE label id |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Label deleted |
public delete_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Delete a mail
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
mailId | number | An EVE mail ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mail deleted |
public delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id(fleetId: number, memberId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Kick a fleet member
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
memberId | number | The character ID of a member in this fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Fleet member kicked |
public delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id(fleetId: number, squadId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Delete a fleet squad, only empty squads can be deleted
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
squadId | number | The squad to delete |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Squad deleted |
public delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {delete_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Delete a fleet wing, only empty wings can be deleted. The wing may contain squads, but the squads must be empty
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
wingId | number | The wing to delete |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wing deleted |
public get_alliances(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Alliance.js'
List all active player alliances
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/
Alternate route: /legacy/alliances/
Alternate route: /v1/alliances/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | List of Alliance IDs |
public get_alliances_alliance_id(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances_alliance_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Alliance.js'
Public information about an alliance
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/
Alternate route: /v3/alliances/{alliance_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
allianceId | number | An EVE alliance ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Public data about an alliance |
public get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return contacts of an alliance
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
allianceId | number | An EVE alliance ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contacts |
public get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_labels(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances_alliance_id_contacts_labels} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return custom labels for an alliance's contacts
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/contacts/labels/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
allianceId | number | An EVE alliance ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of alliance contact labels |
public get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances_alliance_id_corporations} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Alliance.js'
List all current member corporations of an alliance
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/
Alternate route: /legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/
Alternate route: /v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/corporations/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
allianceId | number | An EVE alliance ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | List of corporation IDs |
public get_alliances_alliance_id_icons(allianceId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_alliances_alliance_id_icons} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Alliance.js'
Get the icon urls for a alliance
Alternate route: /dev/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/
Alternate route: /legacy/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/
Alternate route: /v1/alliances/{alliance_id}/icons/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
allianceId | number | An EVE alliance ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Icon URLs for the given alliance id and server |
public get_characters_character_id(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Public information about a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/
Alternate route: /v4/characters/{character_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Public data for the given character |
public get_characters_character_id_agents_research(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_agents_research} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return a list of agents research information for a character. The formula for finding the current research points with an agent is: currentPoints = remainderPoints + pointsPerDay * days(currentTime - researchStartDate)
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/agents_research/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of agents research information |
public get_characters_character_id_assets(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_assets} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return a list of the characters assets
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/assets/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A flat list of the users assets |
public get_characters_character_id_attributes(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_attributes} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Skills.js'
Return attributes of a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/attributes/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/attributes/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/attributes/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Attributes of a character |
public get_characters_character_id_blueprints(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_blueprints} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return a list of blueprints the character owns
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/blueprints/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of blueprints |
public get_characters_character_id_bookmarks(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_bookmarks} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Bookmarks.js'
A list of your character's personal bookmarks
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of bookmarks |
public get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_bookmarks_folders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Bookmarks.js'
A list of your character's personal bookmark folders
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/bookmarks/folders/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of bookmark folders |
public get_characters_character_id_calendar(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_calendar} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Calendar.js'
Get 50 event summaries from the calendar. If no from_event ID is given, the resource will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from now. If a from_event ID is specified, it will return the next 50 chronological event summaries from after that event
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.fromEvent | number |
The event ID to retrieve events from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A collection of event summaries |
public get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Calendar.js'
Get all the information for a specific event
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
eventId | number | The id of the event requested |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Full details of a specific event |
public get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id_attendees} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Calendar.js'
Get all invited attendees for a given event
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/attendees/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
eventId | number | The id of the event requested |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of attendees |
public get_characters_character_id_clones(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_clones} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Clones.js'
A list of the character's clones
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/clones/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/clones/
This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Clone information for the given character |
public get_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return contacts of a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contacts |
public get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_contacts_labels} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return custom labels for a character's contacts
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/contacts/labels/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contact labels |
public get_characters_character_id_contracts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_contracts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Returns contracts available to a character, only if the character is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is "in_progress".
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contracts |
public get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids(characterId: number, contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_bids} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists bids on a particular auction contract
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of bids |
public get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items(characterId: number, contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_contracts_contract_id_items} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists items of a particular contract
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of items in this contract |
public get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_corporationhistory} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Get a list of all the corporations a character has been a member of
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/corporationhistory/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Corporation history for the given character |
public get_characters_character_id_fatigue(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_fatigue} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return a character's jump activation and fatigue information
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fatigue/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Jump activation and fatigue information |
public get_characters_character_id_fittings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_fittings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fittings.js'
Return fittings of a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of fittings |
public get_characters_character_id_fleet(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_fleet} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Return the fleet ID the character is in, if any.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fleet/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fleet/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fleet/
This route is cached for up to 60 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Details about the character's fleet |
public get_characters_character_id_fw_stats(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_fw_stats} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Statistical overview of a character involved in faction warfare
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fw/stats/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Faction warfare statistics for a given character |
public get_characters_character_id_implants(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_implants} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Clones.js'
Return implants on the active clone of a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/implants/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/implants/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/implants/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of implant type ids |
public get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_industry_jobs} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
List industry jobs placed by a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/industry/jobs/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.includeCompleted | boolean |
Whether to retrieve completed character industry jobs. Only includes jobs from the past 90 days |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Industry jobs placed by a character |
public get_characters_character_id_location(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_location} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Location.js'
Information about the characters current location. Returns the current solar system id, and also the current station or structure ID if applicable
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/location/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/location/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/location/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Information about the characters current location. Returns the current solar system id, and also the current station or structure ID if applicable |
public get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_loyalty_points} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Loyalty.js'
Return a list of loyalty points for all corporations the character has worked for
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/loyalty/points/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of loyalty points |
public get_characters_character_id_mail(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_mail} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Return the 50 most recent mail headers belonging to the character that match the query criteria. Queries can be filtered by label, and last_mail_id can be used to paginate backwards
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/
This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.labels | number[] |
Fetch only mails that match one or more of the given labels |
options.lastMailId | number |
List only mail with an ID lower than the given ID, if present |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | The requested mail |
public get_characters_character_id_mail_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_mail_labels} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Return a list of the users mail labels, unread counts for each label and a total unread count.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/
This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of mail labels and unread counts |
public get_characters_character_id_mail_lists(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_mail_lists} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Return all mailing lists that the character is subscribed to
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/lists/
This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mailing lists |
public get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Return the contents of an EVE mail
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
mailId | number | An EVE mail ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Contents of a mail |
public get_characters_character_id_medals(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_medals} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return a list of medals the character has
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/medals/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/medals/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/medals/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of medals |
public get_characters_character_id_mining(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_mining} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Paginated record of all mining done by a character for the past 30 days
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mining/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mining/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mining/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mining ledger of a character |
public get_characters_character_id_notifications(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_notifications} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return character notifications
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/notifications/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Warning: This route has an upgrade available
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Returns your recent notifications |
public get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_notifications_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return notifications about having been added to someone's contact list
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/notifications/contacts/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contact notifications |
public get_characters_character_id_online(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_online} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Location.js'
Checks if the character is currently online
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/online/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/online/
This route is cached for up to 60 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Object describing the character's online status |
public get_characters_character_id_opportunities(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_opportunities} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Opportunities.js'
Return a list of tasks finished by a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/opportunities/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of opportunities task ids |
public get_characters_character_id_orders(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_orders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
List open market orders placed by a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/orders/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/orders/
This route is cached for up to 1200 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open market orders placed by a character |
public get_characters_character_id_orders_history(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_orders_history} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
List cancelled and expired market orders placed by a character up to 90 days in the past.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/orders/history/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Expired and cancelled market orders placed by a character |
public get_characters_character_id_planets(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_planets} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/PlanetaryInteraction.js'
Returns a list of all planetary colonies owned by a character.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/planets/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/planets/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of colonies |
public get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id(characterId: number, planetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_planets_planet_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/PlanetaryInteraction.js'
Returns full details on the layout of a single planetary colony, including links, pins and routes. Note: Planetary information is only recalculated when the colony is viewed through the client. Information will not update until this criteria is met.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/planets/{planet_id}/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
planetId | number | Planet id of the target planet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Colony layout |
public get_characters_character_id_portrait(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_portrait} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Get portrait urls for a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/portrait/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/portrait/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Public data for the given character |
public get_characters_character_id_roles(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_roles} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Returns a character's corporation roles
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/roles/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/roles/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | The character's roles in thier corporation |
public get_characters_character_id_search(categories: string[], characterId: number, search: string, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_search} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Search.js'
Search for entities that match a given sub-string.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/search/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/search/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
categories | string[] | Type of entities to search for |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
search | string | The string to search on |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
options.strict | boolean |
Whether the search should be a strict match |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of search results |
public get_characters_character_id_ship(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_ship} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Location.js'
Get the current ship type, name and id
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/ship/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/ship/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/ship/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Get the current ship type, name and id |
public get_characters_character_id_skillqueue(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_skillqueue} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Skills.js'
List the configured skill queue for the given character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/skillqueue/
This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | The current skill queue, sorted ascending by finishing time |
public get_characters_character_id_skills(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_skills} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Skills.js'
List all trained skills for the given character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/skills/
Alternate route: /v4/characters/{character_id}/skills/
This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Known skills for the character |
public get_characters_character_id_standings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_standings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Return character standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/standings/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/standings/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/standings/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of standings |
public get_characters_character_id_stats(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_stats} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Returns aggregate yearly stats for a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/stats/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/stats/
This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Character stats |
public get_characters_character_id_titles(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_titles} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Returns a character's titles
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/titles/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/titles/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/titles/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of titles |
public get_characters_character_id_wallet(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_wallet} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Returns a character's wallet balance
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/
This route is cached for up to 120 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wallet balance |
public get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_wallet_journal} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Retrieve the given character's wallet journal going 30 days back
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/
Alternate route: /v4/characters/{character_id}/wallet/journal/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Journal entries |
public get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_characters_character_id_wallet_transactions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Get wallet transactions of a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/wallet/transactions/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.fromId | number |
Only show transactions happened before the one referenced by this id |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wallet transactions |
public get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_contracts_public_bids_contract_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists bids on a public auction contract
Alternate route: /dev/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/contracts/public/bids/{contract_id}/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of bids |
public get_contracts_public_items_contract_id(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_contracts_public_items_contract_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists items of a public contract
Alternate route: /dev/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/contracts/public/items/{contract_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of items in this contract |
public get_contracts_public_region_id(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_contracts_public_region_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Returns a paginated list of all public contracts in the given region
Alternate route: /dev/contracts/public/{region_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/contracts/public/{region_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/contracts/public/{region_id}/
This route is cached for up to 1800 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
regionId | number | An EVE region id |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of contracts |
public get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_extractions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Extraction timers for all moon chunks being extracted by refineries belonging to a corporation.
Alternate route: /dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/
Alternate route: /v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/extractions/
This route is cached for up to 1800 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Station_Manager
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of chunk timers |
public get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Paginated list of all entities capable of observing and recording mining for a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/
Alternate route: /v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Observer list of a corporation |
public get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id(corporationId: number, observerId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporation_corporation_id_mining_observers_observer_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Paginated record of all mining seen by an observer
Alternate route: /dev/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/corporation/{corporation_id}/mining/observers/{observer_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
observerId | number | A mining observer id |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mining ledger of an observer |
public get_corporations_corporation_id(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Public information about a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/
Alternate route: /v4/corporations/{corporation_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Public information about a corporation |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_alliancehistory} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Get a list of all the alliances a corporation has been a member of
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/alliancehistory/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Alliance history for the given corporation |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_assets(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_assets} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return a list of the corporation assets
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/
Alternate route: /v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of assets |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_blueprints} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns a list of blueprints the corporation owns
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/blueprints/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation blueprints |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Bookmarks.js'
A list of your corporation's bookmarks
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation owned bookmarks |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_bookmarks_folders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Bookmarks.js'
A list of your corporation's bookmark folders
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/bookmarks/folders/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation owned bookmark folders |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return contacts of a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contacts |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_labels(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_contacts_labels} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Return custom labels for a corporation's contacts
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contacts/labels/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of corporation contact labels |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_containers_logs} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns logs recorded in the past seven days from all audit log secure containers (ALSC) owned by a given corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/containers/logs/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation ALSC logs |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Returns contracts available to a corporation, only if the corporation is issuer, acceptor or assignee. Only returns contracts no older than 30 days, or if the status is "in_progress".
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of contracts |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids(contractId: number, corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_bids} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists bids on a particular auction contract
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/bids/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of bids |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items(contractId: number, corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_contracts_contract_id_items} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contracts.js'
Lists items of a particular contract
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/contracts/{contract_id}/items/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
contractId | number | ID of a contract |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of items in this contract |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_customs_offices} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/PlanetaryInteraction.js'
List customs offices owned by a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/customs_offices/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of customs offices and their settings |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_divisions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return corporation hangar and wallet division names, only show if a division is not using the default name
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/divisions/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation division names |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_facilities} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return a corporation's facilities
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/facilities/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Factory_Manager
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation facilities |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_fw_stats} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Statistics about a corporation involved in faction warfare
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/fw/stats/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Faction warfare statistics for a given corporation |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_icons(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_icons} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Get the icon urls for a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/icons/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Urls for icons for the given corporation id and server |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_industry_jobs} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
List industry jobs run by a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/industry/jobs/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Factory_Manager
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.includeCompleted | boolean |
Whether to retrieve completed corporation industry jobs. Only includes jobs from the past 90 days | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of corporation industry jobs |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_medals(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_medals} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns a corporation's medals
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of medals |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_medals_issued} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns medals issued by a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/medals/issued/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of issued medals |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_members(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_members} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return the current member list of a corporation, the token's character need to be a member of the corporation.
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/
Alternate route: /v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of member character IDs |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_members_limit(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_members_limit} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return a corporation's member limit, not including CEO himself
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/limit/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | The corporation's member limit |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_members_titles} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns a corporation's members' titles
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/members/titles/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of members and theirs titles |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_membertracking} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns additional information about a corporation's members which helps tracking their activities
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/membertracking/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of member character IDs |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_orders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_orders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
List open market orders placed on behalf of a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/
Alternate route: /v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/
This route is cached for up to 1200 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Trader
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of open market orders |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_orders_history} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
List cancelled and expired market orders placed on behalf of a corporation up to 90 days in the past.
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/orders/history/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Trader
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Expired and cancelled market orders placed on behalf of a corporation |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_roles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_roles} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return the roles of all members if the character has the personnel manager role or any grantable role.
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of member character ID's and roles |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_roles_history} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return how roles have changed for a coporation's members, up to a month
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/roles/history/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of role changes |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_shareholders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return the current shareholders of a corporation.
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/shareholders/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of shareholders |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_standings(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_standings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Return corporation standings from agents, NPC corporations, and factions
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/standings/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of standings |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns list of corporation starbases (POSes)
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of starbases (POSes) |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id(corporationId: number, starbaseId: number, systemId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_starbases_starbase_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns various settings and fuels of a starbase (POS)
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/starbases/{starbase_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
starbaseId | number | An EVE starbase (POS) ID |
systemId | number | The solar system this starbase (POS) is located in, |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of starbases (POSes) |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_structures(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_structures} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Get a list of corporation structures. This route's version includes the changes to structures detailed in this blog:
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/structures/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Station_Manager
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation structures' information |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_titles(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_titles} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Returns a corporation's titles
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/titles/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of titles |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Get a corporation's wallets
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of corporation wallets |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal(corporationId: number, division: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_journal} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Retrieve the given corporation's wallet journal for the given division going 30 days back
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/
Alternate route: /v3/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/journal/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
division | number | Wallet key of the division to fetch journals from |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Journal entries |
public get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions(corporationId: number, division: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_corporation_id_wallets_division_transactions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wallet.js'
Get wallet transactions of a corporation
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/wallets/{division}/transactions/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Accountant, Junior_Accountant
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
division | number | Wallet key of the division to fetch journals from |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.fromId | number |
Only show journal entries happened before the transaction referenced by this id |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wallet transactions |
public get_corporations_npccorps(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_corporations_npccorps} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Corporation.js'
Get a list of npc corporations
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/npccorps/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/npccorps/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/npccorps/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of npc corporation ids |
public get_dogma_attributes(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_dogma_attributes} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Dogma.js'
Get a list of dogma attribute ids
Alternate route: /dev/dogma/attributes/
Alternate route: /legacy/dogma/attributes/
Alternate route: /v1/dogma/attributes/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of dogma attribute ids |
public get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id(attributeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_dogma_attributes_attribute_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Dogma.js'
Get information on a dogma attribute
Alternate route: /dev/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/dogma/attributes/{attribute_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
attributeId | number | A dogma attribute ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a dogma attribute |
public get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id(itemId: number, typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_dogma_dynamic_items_type_id_item_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Dogma.js'
Returns info about a dynamic item resulting from mutation with a mutaplasmid.
Alternate route: /dev/dogma/dynamic/items/{type_id}/{item_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/dogma/dynamic/items/{type_id}/{item_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/dogma/dynamic/items/{type_id}/{item_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
itemId | number | item_id integer |
typeId | number | type_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Details about a dynamic item |
public get_dogma_effects(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_dogma_effects} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Dogma.js'
Get a list of dogma effect ids
Alternate route: /dev/dogma/effects/
Alternate route: /legacy/dogma/effects/
Alternate route: /v1/dogma/effects/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of dogma effect ids |
public get_dogma_effects_effect_id(effectId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_dogma_effects_effect_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Dogma.js'
Get information on a dogma effect
Alternate route: /dev/dogma/effects/{effect_id}/
Alternate route: /v2/dogma/effects/{effect_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
effectId | number | A dogma effect ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a dogma effect |
public get_fleets_fleet_id(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fleets_fleet_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Return details about a fleet
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Details about a fleet |
public get_fleets_fleet_id_members(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fleets_fleet_id_members} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Return information about fleet members
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of fleet members |
public get_fleets_fleet_id_wings(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fleets_fleet_id_wings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Return information about wings in a fleet
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
This route is cached for up to 5 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of fleet wings |
public get_fw_leaderboards(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_leaderboards} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Top 4 leaderboard of factions for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday
Alternate route: /dev/fw/leaderboards/
Alternate route: /legacy/fw/leaderboards/
Alternate route: /v1/fw/leaderboards/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Corporation leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare |
public get_fw_leaderboards_characters(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_leaderboards_characters} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Top 100 leaderboard of pilots for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday
Alternate route: /dev/fw/leaderboards/characters/
Alternate route: /legacy/fw/leaderboards/characters/
Alternate route: /v1/fw/leaderboards/characters/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Character leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare |
public get_fw_leaderboards_corporations(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_leaderboards_corporations} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Top 10 leaderboard of corporations for kills and victory points separated by total, last week and yesterday
Alternate route: /dev/fw/leaderboards/corporations/
Alternate route: /legacy/fw/leaderboards/corporations/
Alternate route: /v1/fw/leaderboards/corporations/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Corporation leaderboard of kills and victory points within faction warfare |
public get_fw_stats(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_stats} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Statistical overviews of factions involved in faction warfare
Alternate route: /dev/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /legacy/fw/stats/
Alternate route: /v1/fw/stats/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Per faction breakdown of faction warfare statistics |
public get_fw_systems(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_systems} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
An overview of the current ownership of faction warfare solar systems
Alternate route: /dev/fw/systems/
Alternate route: /v2/fw/systems/
This route is cached for up to 1800 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | All faction warfare solar systems |
public get_fw_wars(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_fw_wars} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/FactionWarfare.js'
Data about which NPC factions are at war
Alternate route: /dev/fw/wars/
Alternate route: /legacy/fw/wars/
Alternate route: /v1/fw/wars/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of NPC factions at war |
public get_industry_facilities(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_industry_facilities} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Return a list of industry facilities
Alternate route: /dev/industry/facilities/
Alternate route: /legacy/industry/facilities/
Alternate route: /v1/industry/facilities/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of facilities |
public get_industry_systems(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_industry_systems} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Industry.js'
Return cost indices for solar systems
Alternate route: /dev/industry/systems/
Alternate route: /legacy/industry/systems/
Alternate route: /v1/industry/systems/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of cost indicies |
public get_insurance_prices(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_insurance_prices} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Insurance.js'
Return available insurance levels for all ship types
Alternate route: /dev/insurance/prices/
Alternate route: /legacy/insurance/prices/
Alternate route: /v1/insurance/prices/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | A list of insurance levels for all ship types |
public get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_loyalty_stores_corporation_id_offers} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Loyalty.js'
Return a list of offers from a specific corporation's loyalty store
Alternate route: /dev/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/
Alternate route: /legacy/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/
Alternate route: /v1/loyalty/stores/{corporation_id}/offers/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of offers |
public get_markets_groups(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_groups} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Get a list of item groups
Alternate route: /dev/markets/groups/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/groups/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/groups/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of item group ids |
public get_markets_groups_market_group_id(marketGroupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_groups_market_group_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Get information on an item group
Alternate route: /dev/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/groups/{market_group_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
marketGroupId | number | An Eve item group ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about an item group |
public get_markets_prices(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_prices} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Return a list of prices
Alternate route: /dev/markets/prices/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/prices/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/prices/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of prices |
public get_markets_region_id_history(regionId: number, typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_region_id_history} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Return a list of historical market statistics for the specified type in a region
Alternate route: /dev/markets/{region_id}/history/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/{region_id}/history/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/{region_id}/history/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
regionId | number | Return statistics in this region |
typeId | number | Return statistics for this type |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of historical market statistics |
public get_markets_region_id_orders(orderType: string, regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_region_id_orders} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Return a list of orders in a region
Alternate route: /dev/markets/{region_id}/orders/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/{region_id}/orders/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/{region_id}/orders/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
orderType | string | Filter buy/sell orders, return all orders by default. If you query without type_id, we always return both buy and sell orders |
regionId | number | Return orders in this region |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.typeId | number |
Return orders only for this type |
Promise<object> | A list of orders |
public get_markets_region_id_types(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_region_id_types} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Return a list of type IDs that have active orders in the region, for efficient market indexing.
Alternate route: /dev/markets/{region_id}/types/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/{region_id}/types/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/{region_id}/types/
This route is cached for up to 600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
regionId | number | Return statistics in this region |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of type IDs |
public get_markets_structures_structure_id(structureId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_markets_structures_structure_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Market.js'
Return all orders in a structure
Alternate route: /dev/markets/structures/{structure_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/markets/structures/{structure_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/markets/structures/{structure_id}/
This route is cached for up to 300 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
structureId | number | Return orders in this structure |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of orders |
public get_opportunities_groups(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_opportunities_groups} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Opportunities.js'
Return a list of opportunities groups
Alternate route: /dev/opportunities/groups/
Alternate route: /legacy/opportunities/groups/
Alternate route: /v1/opportunities/groups/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of opportunities group ids |
public get_opportunities_groups_group_id(groupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_opportunities_groups_group_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Opportunities.js'
Return information of an opportunities group
Alternate route: /dev/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/opportunities/groups/{group_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
groupId | number | ID of an opportunities group |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Details of an opportunities group |
public get_opportunities_tasks(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_opportunities_tasks} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Opportunities.js'
Return a list of opportunities tasks
Alternate route: /dev/opportunities/tasks/
Alternate route: /legacy/opportunities/tasks/
Alternate route: /v1/opportunities/tasks/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of opportunities task ids |
public get_opportunities_tasks_task_id(taskId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_opportunities_tasks_task_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Opportunities.js'
Return information of an opportunities task
Alternate route: /dev/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/opportunities/tasks/{task_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
taskId | number | ID of an opportunities task |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Details of an opportunities task |
public get_route_origin_destination(destination: number, origin: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_route_origin_destination} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Routes.js'
Get the systems between origin and destination
Alternate route: /dev/route/{origin}/{destination}/
Alternate route: /legacy/route/{origin}/{destination}/
Alternate route: /v1/route/{origin}/{destination}/
This route is cached for up to 86400 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
destination | number | destination solar system ID |
origin | number | origin solar system ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.avoid | number[] |
avoid solar system ID(s) |
options.connections | number[][] |
connected solar system pairs |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.flag | string |
route security preference |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Solar systems in route from origin to destination |
public get_search(categories: string[], search: string, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_search} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Search.js'
Search for entities that match a given sub-string.
Alternate route: /dev/search/
Alternate route: /v2/search/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
categories | string[] | Type of entities to search for |
search | string | The string to search on |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
options.strict | boolean |
Whether the search should be a strict match |
Promise<object> | A list of search results |
public get_status(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_status} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Status.js'
EVE Server status
Alternate route: /dev/status/
Alternate route: /legacy/status/
Alternate route: /v1/status/
This route is cached for up to 30 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Server status |
public get_universe_ancestries(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_ancestries} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get all character ancestries
Alternate route: /dev/universe/ancestries/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/ancestries/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/ancestries/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | A list of ancestries |
public get_universe_asteroid_belts_asteroid_belt_id(asteroidBeltId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_asteroid_belts_asteroid_belt_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on an asteroid belt
Alternate route: /dev/universe/asteroid_belts/{asteroid_belt_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/asteroid_belts/{asteroid_belt_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/asteroid_belts/{asteroid_belt_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
asteroidBeltId | number | asteroid_belt_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about an asteroid belt |
public get_universe_bloodlines(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_bloodlines} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of bloodlines
Alternate route: /dev/universe/bloodlines/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/bloodlines/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/bloodlines/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | A list of bloodlines |
public get_universe_categories(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_categories} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of item categories
Alternate route: /dev/universe/categories/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/categories/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/categories/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of item category ids |
public get_universe_categories_category_id(categoryId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_categories_category_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information of an item category
Alternate route: /dev/universe/categories/{category_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/categories/{category_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/categories/{category_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
categoryId | number | An Eve item category ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about an item category |
public get_universe_constellations(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_constellations} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of constellations
Alternate route: /dev/universe/constellations/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/constellations/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/constellations/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of constellation ids |
public get_universe_constellations_constellation_id(constellationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_constellations_constellation_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a constellation
Alternate route: /dev/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/constellations/{constellation_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
constellationId | number | constellation_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about a constellation |
public get_universe_factions(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_factions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of factions
Alternate route: /dev/universe/factions/
Alternate route: /v2/universe/factions/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | A list of factions |
public get_universe_graphics(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_graphics} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of graphics
Alternate route: /dev/universe/graphics/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/graphics/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/graphics/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of graphic ids |
public get_universe_graphics_graphic_id(graphicId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_graphics_graphic_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a graphic
Alternate route: /dev/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/graphics/{graphic_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
graphicId | number | graphic_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a graphic |
public get_universe_groups(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_groups} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of item groups
Alternate route: /dev/universe/groups/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/groups/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/groups/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of item group ids |
public get_universe_groups_group_id(groupId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_groups_group_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on an item group
Alternate route: /dev/universe/groups/{group_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/groups/{group_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/groups/{group_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
groupId | number | An Eve item group ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about an item group |
public get_universe_moons_moon_id(moonId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_moons_moon_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a moon
Alternate route: /dev/universe/moons/{moon_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/moons/{moon_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/moons/{moon_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
moonId | number | moon_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a moon |
public get_universe_planets_planet_id(planetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_planets_planet_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a planet
Alternate route: /dev/universe/planets/{planet_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/planets/{planet_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/planets/{planet_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
planetId | number | planet_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a planet |
public get_universe_races(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_races} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of character races
Alternate route: /dev/universe/races/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/races/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/races/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | A list of character races |
public get_universe_regions(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_regions} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of regions
Alternate route: /dev/universe/regions/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/regions/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/regions/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of region ids |
public get_universe_regions_region_id(regionId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_regions_region_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a region
Alternate route: /dev/universe/regions/{region_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/regions/{region_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/regions/{region_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
regionId | number | region_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about a region |
public get_universe_schematics_schematic_id(schematicId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_schematics_schematic_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/PlanetaryInteraction.js'
Get information on a planetary factory schematic
Alternate route: /dev/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/schematics/{schematic_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
schematicId | number | A PI schematic ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Public data about a schematic |
public get_universe_stargates_stargate_id(stargateId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_stargates_stargate_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a stargate
Alternate route: /dev/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/stargates/{stargate_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
stargateId | number | stargate_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a stargate |
public get_universe_stars_star_id(starId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_stars_star_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a star
Alternate route: /dev/universe/stars/{star_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/stars/{star_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/stars/{star_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
starId | number | star_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a star |
public get_universe_stations_station_id(stationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_stations_station_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a station
Alternate route: /dev/universe/stations/{station_id}/
Alternate route: /v2/universe/stations/{station_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
stationId | number | station_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Information about a station |
public get_universe_structures(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_structures} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
List all public structures
Alternate route: /dev/universe/structures/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/structures/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/structures/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | List of public structure IDs |
public get_universe_structures_structure_id(structureId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_structures_structure_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Returns information on requested structure if you are on the ACL. Otherwise, returns "Forbidden" for all inputs.
Alternate route: /dev/universe/structures/{structure_id}/
Alternate route: /v2/universe/structures/{structure_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
structureId | number | An Eve structure ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Data about a structure |
public get_universe_system_jumps(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_system_jumps} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get the number of jumps in solar systems within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. Only systems with jumps will be listed
Alternate route: /dev/universe/system_jumps/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/system_jumps/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/system_jumps/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of systems and number of jumps |
public get_universe_system_kills(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_system_kills} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get the number of ship, pod and NPC kills per solar system within the last hour ending at the timestamp of the Last-Modified header, excluding wormhole space. Only systems with kills will be listed
Alternate route: /dev/universe/system_kills/
Alternate route: /v2/universe/system_kills/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of systems and number of ship, pod and NPC kills |
public get_universe_systems(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_systems} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of solar systems
Alternate route: /dev/universe/systems/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/systems/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/systems/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | A list of solar system ids |
public get_universe_systems_system_id(systemId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_systems_system_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a solar system.
Alternate route: /dev/universe/systems/{system_id}/
Alternate route: /v4/universe/systems/{system_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
systemId | number | system_id integer |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about a solar system |
public get_universe_types(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_types} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get a list of type ids
Alternate route: /dev/universe/types/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/types/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/types/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of type ids |
public get_universe_types_type_id(typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_universe_types_type_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Get information on a type
Alternate route: /dev/universe/types/{type_id}/
Alternate route: /v3/universe/types/{type_id}/
This route expires daily at 11:05
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
typeId | number | An Eve item type ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | Information about a type |
public get_wars(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_wars} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wars.js'
Return a list of wars
Alternate route: /dev/wars/
Alternate route: /legacy/wars/
Alternate route: /v1/wars/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
options.maxWarId | number |
Only return wars with ID smaller than this |
Promise<object> | A list of war IDs, in descending order by war_id |
public get_wars_war_id(warId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_wars_war_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wars.js'
Return details about a war
Alternate route: /dev/wars/{war_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/wars/{war_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/wars/{war_id}/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
warId | number | ID for a war |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag |
Promise<object> | Details about a war |
public get_wars_war_id_killmails(warId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {get_wars_war_id_killmails} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Wars.js'
Return a list of kills related to a war
Alternate route: /dev/wars/{war_id}/killmails/
Alternate route: /legacy/wars/{war_id}/killmails/
Alternate route: /v1/wars/{war_id}/killmails/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
warId | number | A valid war ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.IfNoneMatch | string |
ETag from a previous request. A 304 will be returned if this matches the current ETag | | number |
Which page of results to return |
Promise<object> | A list of killmail IDs and hashes |
public post_characters_affiliation(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_affiliation} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Bulk lookup of character IDs to corporation, alliance and faction
Alternate route: /dev/characters/affiliation/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/affiliation/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/affiliation/
This route is cached for up to 3600 seconds
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
Promise<object> | Character corporation, alliance and faction IDs |
public post_characters_character_id_assets_locations(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_assets_locations} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/assets/locations/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of asset locations |
public post_characters_character_id_assets_names(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_assets_names} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from character assets endpoint. Typically used for items that can customize names, like containers or ships.
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/assets/names/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of asset names |
public post_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, standing: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Bulk add contacts with same settings
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
standing | number | Standing for the contact |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.labelIds | number[] |
Add custom labels to the new contact |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
options.watched | boolean |
Whether the contact should be watched, note this is only effective on characters |
Promise<object> | A list of contact ids that successfully created |
public post_characters_character_id_cspa(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_cspa} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Character.js'
Takes a source character ID in the url and a set of target character ID's in the body, returns a CSPA charge cost
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/cspa/
Alternate route: /v4/characters/{character_id}/cspa/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Aggregate cost of sending a mail from the source character to the target characters, in ISK |
public post_characters_character_id_fittings(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_fittings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fittings.js'
Save a new fitting for a character
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/fittings/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | A list of fittings |
public post_characters_character_id_mail(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_mail} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Create and send a new mail
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mail created |
public post_characters_character_id_mail_labels(characterId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_characters_character_id_mail_labels} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Create a mail label
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/mail/labels/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Label created |
public post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_locations} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return locations for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Coordinates for items in hangars or stations are set to (0,0,0)
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/
Alternate route: /v2/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/locations/
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of asset locations |
public post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names(corporationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_corporations_corporation_id_assets_names} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Assets.js'
Return names for a set of item ids, which you can get from corporation assets endpoint. Only valid for items that can customize names, like containers or ships
Alternate route: /dev/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/
Alternate route: /legacy/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/
Alternate route: /v1/corporations/{corporation_id}/assets/names/
Requires one of the following EVE corporation role(s): Director
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
corporationId | number | An EVE corporation ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | List of asset names |
public post_fleets_fleet_id_members(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_fleets_fleet_id_members} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Invite a character into the fleet. If a character has a CSPA charge set it is not possible to invite them to the fleet using ESI
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Fleet invitation sent |
public post_fleets_fleet_id_wings(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_fleets_fleet_id_wings} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Create a new wing in a fleet
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wing created |
public post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id_squads} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Create a new squad in a fleet
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/squads/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
wingId | number | The wing_id to create squad in |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Squad created |
public post_ui_autopilot_waypoint(addToBeginning: boolean, clearOtherWaypoints: boolean, destinationId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_ui_autopilot_waypoint} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/UserInterface.js'
Set a solar system as autopilot waypoint
Alternate route: /dev/ui/autopilot/waypoint/
Alternate route: /v2/ui/autopilot/waypoint/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
addToBeginning | boolean | Whether this solar system should be added to the beginning of all waypoints |
clearOtherWaypoints | boolean | Whether clean other waypoints beforing adding this one |
destinationId | number | The destination to travel to, can be solar system, station or structure's id |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open window request received |
public post_ui_openwindow_contract(contractId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_ui_openwindow_contract} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/UserInterface.js'
Open the contract window inside the client
Alternate route: /dev/ui/openwindow/contract/
Alternate route: /legacy/ui/openwindow/contract/
Alternate route: /v1/ui/openwindow/contract/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
contractId | number | The contract to open |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open window request received |
public post_ui_openwindow_information(targetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_ui_openwindow_information} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/UserInterface.js'
Open the information window for a character, corporation or alliance inside the client
Alternate route: /dev/ui/openwindow/information/
Alternate route: /legacy/ui/openwindow/information/
Alternate route: /v1/ui/openwindow/information/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
targetId | number | The target to open |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open window request received |
public post_ui_openwindow_marketdetails(typeId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_ui_openwindow_marketdetails} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/UserInterface.js'
Open the market details window for a specific typeID inside the client
Alternate route: /dev/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/
Alternate route: /legacy/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/
Alternate route: /v1/ui/openwindow/marketdetails/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
typeId | number | The item type to open in market window |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open window request received |
public post_ui_openwindow_newmail(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_ui_openwindow_newmail} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/UserInterface.js'
Open the New Mail window, according to settings from the request if applicable
Alternate route: /dev/ui/openwindow/newmail/
Alternate route: /legacy/ui/openwindow/newmail/
Alternate route: /v1/ui/openwindow/newmail/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Open window request received |
public post_universe_ids(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_universe_ids} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Resolve a set of names to IDs in the following categories: agents, alliances, characters, constellations, corporations factions, inventory_types, regions, stations, and systems. Only exact matches will be returned. All names searched for are cached for 12 hours
Alternate route: /dev/universe/ids/
Alternate route: /legacy/universe/ids/
Alternate route: /v1/universe/ids/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.AcceptLanguage | string |
Language to use in the response |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.language | string |
Language to use in the response, takes precedence over Accept-Language |
Promise<object> | List of id/name associations for a set of names divided by category. Any name passed in that did not have a match will be ommitted |
public post_universe_names(options: object): Promise<object> source
import {post_universe_names} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Universe.js'
Resolve a set of IDs to names and categories. Supported ID's for resolving are: Characters, Corporations, Alliances, Stations, Solar Systems, Constellations, Regions, Types
Alternate route: /dev/universe/names/
Alternate route: /v2/universe/names/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
Promise<object> | List of id/name associations for a set of ID's. All ID's must resolve to a name, or nothing will be returned |
public put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id(characterId: number, eventId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_characters_character_id_calendar_event_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Calendar.js'
Set your response status to an event
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/
Alternate route: /v3/characters/{character_id}/calendar/{event_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
eventId | number | The ID of the event requested |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Event updated |
public put_characters_character_id_contacts(characterId: number, standing: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_characters_character_id_contacts} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Contacts.js'
Bulk edit contacts with same settings
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Alternate route: /v2/characters/{character_id}/contacts/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
standing | number | Standing for the contact |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.labelIds | number[] |
Add custom labels to the contact |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
options.watched | boolean |
Whether the contact should be watched, note this is only effective on characters |
Promise<object> | Contacts updated |
public put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id(characterId: number, mailId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_characters_character_id_mail_mail_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Mail.js'
Update metadata about a mail
Alternate route: /dev/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/characters/{character_id}/mail/{mail_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
characterId | number | An EVE character ID |
mailId | number | An EVE mail ID |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Mail updated |
public put_fleets_fleet_id(fleetId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_fleets_fleet_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Update settings about a fleet
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Fleet updated |
public put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id(fleetId: number, memberId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_fleets_fleet_id_members_member_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Move a fleet member around
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/members/{member_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
memberId | number | The character ID of a member in this fleet |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Fleet invitation sent |
public put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id(fleetId: number, squadId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_fleets_fleet_id_squads_squad_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Rename a fleet squad
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/squads/{squad_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
squadId | number | The squad to rename |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Squad renamed |
public put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id(fleetId: number, wingId: number, options: object): Promise<object> source
import {put_fleets_fleet_id_wings_wing_id} from '@hiherto-elements/esi/esi/Fleets.js'
Rename a fleet wing
Alternate route: /dev/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Alternate route: /legacy/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Alternate route: /v1/fleets/{fleet_id}/wings/{wing_id}/
Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
fleetId | number | ID for a fleet |
wingId | number | The wing to rename |
options | object | Optional options |
options.datasource | string |
The server name you would like data from |
options.token | string |
Access token to use if unable to set a header |
Promise<object> | Wing renamed |